Primarily Scripture with Cindy Young

Discovering Revelation: Study Tips with Lindsay | CFM 2025 Feb 3-9 | D&C 6-9

Cindy Young Season 3 Episode 6

Join Cindy Young and her special guest Lindsay on this exciting episode of Primarily Scripture! Lindsay shares her insights on studying scriptures and how to receive personal revelation. They discuss asking meaningful questions, the importance of prayer, and feeling the Spirit in your daily life. Whether you're a seasoned scripture reader or just starting out, this episode will give you valuable guidance on connecting with the scriptures and receiving divine answers. Don't miss out on helpful worksheets and advice tailored for teens! Subscribe, like, share, and leave a review!

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Don't forget the parable of the snowball: listening to someone else talk about the gospel is like having snowballs thrown at you. Reading the scriptures is like making your own snowball. Taking the time to search, ponder, and pray about what you've read is like rolling the snowball around and around so that it grows and grows. So don't just listen to me - please go read for yourself so your knowledge and testimony can grow and grow!!

Come Follow Me for Kids
Beginners Guide to Scripture Study
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
The Book of Mormon
CFM 2024
Teens, Youth, Kids, Family
Latter Day Saint
Young Women
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Aaronic Priesthood
Scripture Study


Hi friends, and welcome back to Primarily Scripture. I'm so excited you're here. This is a first. My guest today, Lindsay, is actually here with me. How are you doing?


Hi, I'm doing so good.


Thank you for being here.


Of course.


Lindsay is one of my dear friends, she's wonderful, and actually we get to serve together. We are both in Young Women Leadership. I'm one of the adult leaders, and she's actually a class president in our ward. What's it like to be in leadership?


It's great, I get to get to know the girls a lot better, and I feel like serving others is just, it feels so much more rewarding as a leader.


Yes, I agree. It's the best. And Young Women's is the best.


Mm hmm.


All the way.




Yes. Okay, so we follow Come Follow Me. We're in Doctrine and Covenants section six through nine this week. And this is all about Oliver Cowdery. And there are three different sections where the Lord talks to him, and gives him more understanding about revelation and how it works. So, let's read a little bit of this. Um, actually, let's ask you a question, Lindsay.




What do you do when you study the scriptures?


Well, when I study the scriptures, I usually start with a prayer and a question in mind so that I can gain revelation through the scriptures. And usually if I say a prayer, it'll help me to understand what I'm reading. Um, cause a lot of time when I just read it, I'm just like, In one ear and out the other. So usually I start with a prayer good. And then, um, sometimes a verse will hit me like really hard, so I'll like read it again. And usually those verses I'll highlight, and I'll like write a little note to it about my experience or my thoughts on it. But a lot of the time it's just me straight reading it, not fully comprehending.


Okay, that's fair. I feel like a lot of people are in that boat because it takes a lot of extra work to understand the scriptures.




I love that you said you start with a prayer and starting with a question. That's fantastic. What kinds of questions do you ask?


So, sometimes I ask, like, huge questions, that are personal to me, like, should I go on a mission? Or sometimes


Oh, that's big.


it's super simple.




like what should I teach on Sunday?




with the lesson? Who should agree in the mornings?


Mm, yeah.




Definitely. So, when you're picking people to give assignments to as a class president, um, how does reading the scriptures, I mean, none of our young women have names in the scriptures, so how, how do answers like that come to you?


Well, I feel like when I read the scriptures, I feel at peace, and I feel like Christ is just like sitting right there with me, like reading with me, so I feel like he's kind of just like telling, telling me the names that I need to know, and so it's definitely hard, um, when it, I'm just reading it to, like, expect answers to just, like, pop out of there. So if I go with some kind of question, even if it has nothing to do with what I'm reading, I get that revelation still, I feel like.


Awesome. I love that. so let's go to the scriptures. On the worksheet, we have verses from section 6 and 8 and 9, and they're all about revelation. Let's look first at the two verses from section 8. I'm going to read them directly out of my scriptures. These are verses 2 and 3. Lindsay, why don't you read verse two, and then I'll read verse three.


Okay."Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart."


"Now behold, this is the spirit of revelation. Behold, this is the spirit by which Moses brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground." Okay, that's how the Lord speaks to us. He's telling us exactly.




Just like you said, that you just have thoughts and feelings come to you, and that is revelation. That's awesome. Okay. Look at the worksheet. This second page, it guides you to have things to think about and write your own notes. Next to verse 2, it says, How have I felt the Spirit before? I'm going to grab something to write with and make a note. Alright. Hmm. How have you felt the spirit?


Um, I feel the spirit actually a lot. It's very hard to feel the spirit when I'm like at school or I'm doing like sports, but when I go to seminary or when I go to church or even just in the mornings as I'm getting ready for school, sometimes I can just feel at peace. Sometimes if I have a test


peace, I love that. Okay. That's one way to feel the spirit. Okay.


Um, before a test, I might have, um, I might be really nervous to take that test, especially if it's math. I'm not very good at math. And, um, I'll just like say a quick little prayer before I be like, okay, please help me to understand what I'm about to look at, and a lot of the times I'll just feel a whole sense of calm and assurance, so.


Oh, peace, calm, assurance, all awesome ways to feel the spirit. I have recently discovered that one of the things that happens for me when I'm feeling the spirit and I'm like, doing the right things, what the Lord wants me to do, I get really happy.




Like sometimes, I don't know if you've noticed, sometimes at activities I'm just like, Hey everybody!! How's it going?! And I am just on top of the world.




And other times I'm like, Hi guys... how are you? And I just sit and, you know, I'm a little more subdued. Not that it's bad to be subdued, right? But some days I'm just feeling the Spirit so much. And I know that I'm doing what the Lord wants me to do, like, I have to call my mom. And I just have this abundance of energy! And I've realized that's one of the ways that the Spirit lets me know that I'm doing the right thing, is that I have all this extra energy, and I probably annoy everybody around me, but the joy and the energy is so exciting.


I can definitely like kind of relate to that whenever I feel like I am doing something that the Spirit has told me to do, um, or anything like that. I automatically text my sister because she's a missionary. I feel like she's like the most godly person ever.


She's so in touch!


So I'm like, I have to tell her about all these things so that she can be impressed with me.


Ha ha!


Ha ha!


I'm sure she's very impressed.




Very impressed. Awesome. All right. so this revelation was given to Oliver Cowdery, helping him understand how to receive revelation, because he wanted to translate. He wanted to help with that process.




and we don't have a lot of information about how it went down, but we know he tried, and it didn't work, and he kind of stopped. So then we got section 9. And the Lord told him, you know what? It didn't work out. Will you read section 9, verse 7?


"Behold, you have not understood. You have supposed that I would give it unto you when you took no thought, save it was to ask me."


Oh, have you ever done that? Gone to the Lord like, Heavenly Father, I need an answer. And then you don't get one, and you're like, how come he's not answering me?


You're like, hello?!


The Lord expects us to do the spiritual work.




And President Nelson has talked about that. Do the spiritual work, and then you can learn how the Spirit speaks to you. You'll recognize it, and it's this process. President Nelson called it growing in the Spirit of Revelation.




And poor Oliver Cowdery. We always point to him and be like, see, he did it wrong. But he was just learning.




And we all do it wrong.


And I feel like in a lot of cases, like him, like he prayed and asked, and he's like, okay, I'm ready. And nothing happened. So I think a lot of people think That praying is, the "acting in faith." And a lot of times it is.


Right, it's a good first step.


But just the prayer is not always going to give you your answer.


Not always enough. What other kinds of spiritual work have you had to do to receive an answer?


Sometimes it's talking to a parent or a teacher or a bishop. Sometimes it's studying for a test. You know, you don't think that's acting in faith, but like, me praying and saying, please get a good score on this test. That's not gonna do.


It's not enough.


It's not enough.


Yeah, definitely. I have found that too. Sometimes I need to talk to somebody, counsel with my husband a little bit more, get his ideas before we can really hone in on what our family should do. Sometimes it's, I need to fast. and spend a little bit of time making sure that I am more in tune with the spirit and then I can hear the even smaller things that come. Because the still small voice is sometimes this small and sometimes it's this small. And you have to be really listening for some




of those. And just being willing to say,"what else can I do?" is one thing that's been super helpful to me. And sometimes it's waiting.




Sometimes it takes a long time for prayers to be answered.




Awesome. Okay. So there's a lot that we could talk about on here, but we don't have enough time. So, for all of our friends at home, I hope you will go open up your scriptures. The worksheet is just there to guide you and give you ideas. If you're not sure what to do, print out the worksheet. But whether you're using the worksheet or not, open your scriptures and slow down and just take your time and really listen to what the Holy Ghost is saying to you. Because the Lord wants to give you answers and a lot of them come from the scriptures or like Lindsay has told us, while you are reading the scriptures, answers will come. I'm Cindy Young. Thanks for being here. I'll see you guys next time. Bye. Thanks for tuning in to Primarily Scripture with Cindy Young. Don't forget you can subscribe to the newsletter and download free worksheets on the website PrimarilyScripture. com. And if you like the channel, be sure to subscribe, like, share, and leave a review. See you next time!