Primarily Scripture with Cindy Young

Unlocking Missionary Work - No Tag Required | CFM 2025 Jan 27-Feb 2 | D&C 3-5 | Primarily Scripture

Cindy Young Season 3 Episode 5

Join Cindy Young and her special guests, siblings Eden and Sanford, as they dive into Doctrine and Covenants section 4 on this episode of Primarily Scripture. Discover how missionary work compares to farm work, and learn actionable ways to serve God with all your heart, might, mind, and strength. This heartfelt discussion will inspire you to share the light of Christ in your everyday life. Don't miss out on their engaging insights, free downloadable worksheets, and practical tips to deepen your spiritual journey. Plus, Sanford shares something very special he found while studying. Tune in now and get ready to be inspired!

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Don't forget the parable of the snowball: listening to someone else talk about the gospel is like having snowballs thrown at you. Reading the scriptures is like making your own snowball. Taking the time to search, ponder, and pray about what you've read is like rolling the snowball around and around so that it grows and grows. So don't just listen to me - please go read for yourself so your knowledge and testimony can grow and grow!!

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Hi friends, and welcome back to Primarily Scripture. I'm your host, Cindy Young, and this is a first on Primarily


we've got sister and brother Eden and Sanford with us! Hi guys.




Eden plays the viola and Sanford plays the cello. They both love to sing. They love to act in community theater. They have a fantastic family and I'm super excited to study the scriptures with them today. You guys, I'm so excited. Are you ready for this?




Awesome. Okay, so on Primarily Scripture, we follow the Come Follow Me curriculum, and I make worksheets to go along with it every single week. They're totally free. Go onto the website,, and you can download those. So let's look at them. This week we are in Doctrine and Covenants sections 3 through 5. But we're going to talk specifically about section 4 today. So, Eden and Sanford, what do you want to talk about? What did you like on the worksheet?


I liked how it compared missionary work to farm work. Because farm work is more of like everyday thing and like, a lot of people do it and stuff.




And missionary work, it was cool the symbolism between them. So I liked that.


Do you know which verse that's in, in section four?


Yes, it's verse four.


Okay, will you read verse four for us?


"For behold the field is white all ready to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul."


Okay, let's look at that activity. It says "identify symbols" on the worksheet. Sanford, will you read that to us?


Why do you think the Lord said, "field is ready to harvest?" Does he mean we're going to do farm work? How is spreading the gospel like working in a field? How do we harvest? What do you think it means to thrust in your sickle with might? Why would working to gather Israel be a blessing to you?


Why do you think the Lord said the field is ready to harvest? What in the world is he talking about?


Oh, I know. Like, it's like, time to gather around and like read your scriptures and pray.


That's right. The time is short. It is time to do those things. Sanford, what are your thoughts?


Um, like harvest, it means gather, you know, and so it relates to gathering Israel that now's the time to gather Israel and bring other people into the church. And just now's the time. The world is crazy. There's a lot more bad stuff in the world than there used to be: social media, and other things, and Satan too. He's, he realized that now he has other things that he can use to get us to follow him.


Definitely. I agree with all of that. Satan is working overtime. In fact, the prophet has said that Satan has quadrupled his efforts. He's working four times as hard to try to get us. But there's that much more goodness in the world too. And so the world is the, sorry, the field is ready to harvest. There are people out there who are ready to hear the gospel. And like Eden said, that can be ourselves, right? It's time to do those things for ourselves. Read your scriptures, say your prayers, build that testimony so that you're strong in the gospel. And then when you're strong. Then you can go share it with others. How do we harvest?


I think by just like inviting people to ward activities, maybe even just sharing the scriptures with them, and even just being nice, doing service, and yeah.


Yeah, when you get older, you can go on a mission. And there are a lot of ways to serve a mission, right? You guys even have a sister who's preparing to serve a mission, a special way. What's her mission going to be?


Nauvoo Young Performing Missionary.


That's right. So she's going to go off and do that, but you're not going to go out and be a missionary this week, or are you?


We can.




By serving other people and bringing them closer to Christ.


Loving and caring for them.


Yes. Anything you do to share the light of Christ is helping to gather Israel. Anything! Isn't that so exciting?




President Nelson said that the gathering of Israel is the most important thing happening in the world. The most important thing! And you can do it.


And I feel like that's so cool because it's really not that hard to ask somebody to come, you know, Hey, we're having this ward party, you want to come? You know, Hey, we're having activity days and we're fishing, want to come and, you know, fish with us? And it's really cool because that can really, you know, be something very special to them in their life.


Yeah. And what's the promised blessing in this? If you thrust in your sickle with might, right, you work really hard on all these missionary efforts, then what?


That he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul.


What does that mean?


Um, that we'll have eternal lives and be blessed.


So by helping other people to receive the blessings of the gospel, you get blessings of the gospel?




I think it's cool that we can be a missionary even though we don't have a missionary tag and we're not traveling anywhere.


You're right! I think that is awesome. So cool. Okay, Eden, what did you want to talk about today?


Um, these list. It says in the second verse, it says,"Serve him with all your heart, might, mind, and strength that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day." Also in the fifth one it says, "and hope, charity, and love, with an eye single to the glory of God."


Eden, in that activity box that says search for lists, about halfway down it says "find a list," and will you read that and then see what it says underneath of it too?


Find a list of ways you can serve God.


And you found that, right? In verse two. And now what does it tell us to do with that?


Discuss with a friend or write down at least two ways you could do each of those things.


Awesome. So this is where writing things down is really going to help you to take what you find and make it personal. And make it so that you can use it in your own life. So let's do that. I'm going to grab a pen, right here on the worksheet, we can write our thoughts. So ways we can serve God in verse two says what?


Serve Him with all your heart, might, mind, and strength.


Okay, so let's go one at a time. Heart. What does it mean to serve with your heart? And what can you do?


Um, I think serving with my heart is like serving with love. Like maybe giving meals to a family who needs it. Maybe even just giving somebody a kind smile and a hug.


Nice. Love, hugs, smiles, you're putting your heart into it. Do you agree, Eden?


Mm-hmm. You can make a treat and write a note with it. And then just put it by their door.


Oh, I think anybody would love to have that. That is awesome. Okay. Treats. Love it. Okay. Next is might. What is might? The scriptures use weird words, right? Like, that's not how we talk. Go forth with your might today. Nobody ever says that.


Well, might also can mean strength.




like just as hard as you can.


Oh, okay. As hard as you can. And with your strength, let's think about that. Are there ever times when you are going to do something to follow Jesus and you don't do it as hard as you can? You do it just a little bit?


Then it won't work out very well. It's not like you're just like, okay, I did it, I'm done. You have to put like care and work into it


Right. So like reading your scriptures, you can open up your scriptures and read five or ten verses and then put it away and not even think about it until tomorrow when you pick up your scriptures again. Is that doing it with all your might?


No, you have to ponder it through all the day.


Okay, so what would we write down?


Maybe even in, like, physical ways like, help somebody with some yard work, clean their house, maybe, just try as hard as you can to do that stuff.


Good. And everybody at home is going to be writing down different things. Somebody, as they're pondering, might be thinking, I haven't been studying my scriptures enough. And someone else might be thinking, I need to play with my kids some more. Right? Like it could be anything. Prayerfully pondering it in your heart will help you to know where you can use your might a little bit better for the Lord.


Mm hmm.


Awesome. Okay, mind and strength. Let's just do mind. We'll skip strength this time in the interest of time. How can you serve the Lord with your mind?


Um, you can, like, not watch things that are bad, like with pornography.




Clean thoughts.


What would you do if one of your siblings was mean to you? I mean, maybe you have a perfect family and nobody has ever, ever been a rude in your house.


That is not how it goes.


Ha ha ha ha ha! So how can you respond in such a way that you're serving the Lord when someone is mean to you?


Just. Forgive them. Don't be mean back to them. Just be kind still.


And when they, if they say sorry, Don't be like, well, you still are mean to me, and, lalala...


I know, I've done that, when someone says sorry, and I'm like, yeah, but, yeah, but, and I want to keep fighting for just a minute, because I'm still mad.


Yeah, but we need to go the Savior's way, because Satan is just like, ooh, but she still did this.


Right, Satan's the one that's going to try to keep you fighting, right?


But the Lord always wins. So when you're with the Lord, then it beats Satan.


Now, the Lord only always wins if you let Him in. Right? If we let God prevail, as President Nelson has asked us to do, if we let God prevail, then yes, He will win. But, if you don't invite Jesus to help you to be your best self, then he can't win because you haven't invited him into your heart.


You know, he's not going to force his way in.


Right. Exactly. Exactly. So it's our job to use our minds, to choose, to recognize, "this is Satan. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to follow Jesus." Awesome.


You have the choice to follow Jesus or Satan. You can choose to follow Satan and be mean, or you can choose to follow Jesus and do the right thing.


Yes. We found so much just in a couple of verses. This was only what four or five verses that we looked at and we've been talking for so long about it. There is so much in the scriptures, but if you just read it and then put it away, you'll never find it. You have to search and ponder and pray about it. And praying is the one thing that we don't do on the show. That's for you to do personally. So you have to go home and pray about "what can I do? How can I serve? How can I be better?" And the Lord will help you know what to do. You just have to put in the work.


I just love these verses because it really just helped me understand missionary work. Like I always knew I was going to serve a mission, you know, but it really just helped me figure out why I'm going to serve the mission.


I love that! Oh, I don't know if you can tell, but my eyes are starting to get watery because I feel the spirit as you're testifying of that. The Lord wants to talk to you. Oh, I'm crying some more now. He will use the scriptures to help you know what to do in your life and how to do it. That is why the scriptures are here. I love it. Oh, so good. Okay, Sanford and Eden, thank you so much for being here with me today. This has been fantastic. I have felt the Spirit. It has increased my testimony. I love the scriptures. I love Jesus Christ, and He is coming again soon! We have to get ready, and we have to help others to get ready.


You know, go read your scriptures, but more than that, just study.


Search, ponder, and pray them, and really think about them throughout the day.


Yes. That's exactly what we need to do. All right, friends. You heard them. Go do it, and I'll see you next week. Bye guys.




Thanks for tuning in to Primarily Scripture with Cindy Young. Don't forget you can subscribe to the newsletter and download free worksheets on the website PrimarilyScripture. com. And if you like the channel, be sure to subscribe, like, share, and leave a review. See you next time!