Primarily Scripture with Cindy Young
This is an LDS "how to study your scriptures" guide geared toward big kids - especially Senior Primary aged children! This season we're diving into The Book of Mormon and learning simple tips and tricks for how to study the scriptures on a beginner level with advanced results. And trust me when I tell you that even though a child can do it, you'll want to use these tips and tricks for the rest of your life! There are so many resources for studying the gospel, but be sure that your study includes PRIMARILY scripture.
Primarily Scripture with Cindy Young
Can You Find These 2 Things? | Alma 36-38 | Jul29-Aug4 | Week 31
This week Felicity is back, and we discuss different things to SEARCH for and PONDER when studying the scriptures. Join us as we look at Alma 37:6 and find 2 very important things. Can you find them, and can you find anything else?
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Don't forget the parable of the snowball: listening to someone else talk about the gospel is like having snowballs thrown at you. Reading the scriptures is like making your own snowball. Taking the time to search, ponder, and pray about what you've read is like rolling the snowball around and around so that it grows and grows. So don't just listen to me - please go read for yourself so your knowledge and testimony can grow and grow!!
Come Follow Me for Kids
Beginners Guide to Scripture Study
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
The Book of Mormon
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Scripture Study
Hi friends. And welcome back to Primarily Scripture. Today I've got a familiar face here with us. Someone who's been a guest on here before, but it's been a while. Who do you think it is? Let's see. It's Felicity. Thanks for being here, Felicity. Okay, so we have worksheets, of course, free worksheets available on the website. All you've got to do is go and download them. No strings attached. Anybody can get these to study with them. We follow Come Follow Me, and this week we are in Alma chapters 36 through 38, which I love. It's Alma is talking to his sons. Have your parents ever sat you down and given you advice?
Felicity:Yes, many times.
Cindy:And do you love it?
Felicity:Probably too many times. No, I love it.
Cindy:Wouldn't it be so cool to know what, like, President Nelson told his kids to help them?
Cindy:That would be so amazing! We have that in the scriptures because Alma was a prophet, and he wrote down his messages to his sons. So this week, we've got his message to his son Helaman and to his son Shiblon. So is there something specific you wanted to work on this week from the worksheets?
Felicity:Well, there is, on the last page, there's like this search, ponder, and pray worksheet. I just think it'd be really fun to work on that.
Cindy:Awesome. So this is specifically so that you can do whatever you want for studying because there is no possible way for me to put everything in the worksheets. There just isn't. There's always more to study. So, let's look at it real quick. Search, ponder, and pray are big on the page. Those are the things we want to do. What do you see under search? There are a whole bunch of words there.
Felicity:Oh, there's Pick something to look for, repeated words, action words, lists, things that someone did, warnings, promises, testimonies, questions, commandments, the story, what stands out to you.
Cindy:If you're going to search the scriptures and you go, Well, what do I search for? These are ideas. The two most important ideas to search for in this list that I've provided are Jesus Christ. Always Jesus. And then the other one is what stands out to you. Because what stands out to you is going to be the most important thing for you to focus on. Why??
Felicity:Um, because you can apply those to your own life and it can help you through your challenges.
Cindy:Why do you think it stands out to you?
Felicity:Because you're your own personal person, and you have your own life,
Cindy:Yeah, and the Lord knows you and what all those things are. So He is going to take this opportunity. If you are actually putting in the work to search the scriptures, then the Lord is going to help you by sending the Spirit and things are going to stand out that are most important to you in your situation in your life. So pay attention to that, especially. So let's pick a scripture and let's look for something. What scripture should we do?
Felicity:Well, I like the scripture in chapter 37, verse six.
Cindy:One of my favorites.
Felicity:"Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass, and small means in many instances doth confound the wise."
Cindy:Such a great verse. So great. One of my very favorite ones of all time. So, what stood out to you in that verse?
Felicity:Um, I like how it said, and that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.
Cindy:Yeah, what does that mean to you?
Felicity:I think that means like, even little small acts of service can lead to a big prize up in heaven.
Cindy:Do you have any examples of little things that have done big things?
Felicity:So, I don't actually.
Cindy:That's okay.
Felicity:I feel like I do, but I can't remember.
Cindy:Well, there are a lot of things in life where something small makes a big thing happen. How do you start the car?
Felicity:By turning the key.
Cindy:Yeah, how big is the key?
Felicity:That tiny.
Cindy:And how big is the car?
Felicity:It's this big.
Cindy:Right, big enough for your whole family. But can you go on a road trip without the keys to the car?
Felicity:No, you can't.
Cindy:What Alma is talking about in this chapter specifically, is the scriptures themselves. He was telling Helaman that these scriptures are important and we have to keep them and preserve them and pass them on to the next generation. It's so important. And then he says, and you might think this is foolishness because it's just a book of like it's just a book.
Felicity:It's just a book of words.
Cindy:and what can come from this book of words?
Felicity:You can have spiritual experiences and have revelation of your own to answer some of your questions. Like my dad told me if you have any question, you will find it in the scriptures. And you might not find the question C divided by 2, but you can have Revelation to, um, find the answer or figure out the answer.
Cindy:Right. They might help you to remember to open up your math book to learn, right? Or you might have the thought of who to call, things like that, that the spirit can use what's in here to give you an answer that you never even thought. Richard G. Scott said, "if you want to talk to God, pray. And if you want Him to talk to you, read the scriptures." but you have to be reading it, right? So let's move on to pondering.
Cindy:Okay, because now that you've read the verse that says by small and simple things, great things are brought to pass? What does that mean for you?
Felicity:Well, siblings can be a pain sometimes. So, I'm like, I have this one problem with this sibling that I have, and I'm not going to name names, but I decided I don't want to feel this way about them. I, I want to be kind to all my siblings. I want to be more like Jesus Christ, because he loved everyone. So that was like my first step. I realized that something was wrong, and then I talked to my mom about it, and then she helped me figure out my next step to forgiving them and she said, well, how about every night you just write in the journal, um, just one thing that they did to make my day. And then slowly but surely they'll become my friend.
Cindy:And so how long have you been working on this?
Felicity:Just yesterday.
Cindy:Oh, good! So, you have this plan, and your small and simple thing is just remembering one thing per day that this person does nice, right?
Felicity:And then I'll work on that for one week and then I'll add another thing next week and then, then just keep going.
Cindy:Yeah. I'm so excited to hear how it goes. You will have to give me an update eventually.
Felicity:I feel like we should mark something.
Cindy:Let's do it. What do you want to mark?
Felicity:Um, by small and simple things, great things brought to pass."
Cindy:Definitely. I want that super bright. I love marking my scriptures. It's one of my favorite things to do. And when I mark my scriptures, it forces me to slow down. And so now as I'm marking it, I'm thinking about those words even more, and it gives me that extra time to ponder. So, what are some of the words on the worksheet under the ponder heading?
Felicity:Um, what does this teach me? Think about and ask questions. Can I improve? Make a plan. Um, There's this big yellow space. It says, Jesus, how does this teach of him? How does this strengthen my testimony of him?
Cindy:Oh, this verse doesn't say his name. It just says, by small and simple things, great things are brought to pass. How does that teach about Jesus?
Felicity:Um, Jesus did a lot of miracles. So, those were kind of big things. But he also just did small things. Like, helping.
Cindy:Yeah. And he can save each of us, and all we have to do is turn to him. Like, that is a small thing. Turning to him and saying, I want to be like Jesus, he is, oh it's gonna make me cry, Jesus Christ is the small thing. that can make big things happen, right?
Felicity:He was just one person and he saved the entire world.
Cindy:So the last part is pray, and that's something you get to go do all on your own. because that's much more personal. So take what you found when you searched, and what you pondered, and go pray about it, and listen to the Spirit, and have your own spiritual experience, because that's how you build your testimony. Listening to me talk might help it a little bit, but it's when you get in the scriptures yourself, and you talk to the Lord. That's when miracles happen. Felicity, thank you so much for being here today. We will have to do this again sometime.
Felicity:Yes, I love being on here.
Cindy:Alright you guys, go search and ponder and pray. Read those scriptures. And I'll see you next week. Bye.
Cindy:Thanks for tuning in to Primarily Scripture with Cindy Young. Don't forget you can subscribe to the newsletter and download free worksheets on the website PrimarilyScripture. com. And if you like the channel, be sure to subscribe, like, share, and leave a review. See you next time!
Felicity:I can't see you anymore. And then we're going to throw a party dance party. I'm gonna go get a cookie real quick.